HW for 11/7

1. Bring a printed and edited version of Essay 2* to be graded. Please note that you will be able to revise these essays for the Final Portfolio, so this draft matters towards course completion but the final grade does not.

  • Print off and have worked stapled before class starts
  • *If you did not send your draft to our OWL Tutor, do so today. 

In your course notebook, but ready to hand in:

2. Come in with a brainstormed list of effects you believe social media has had on your life

  • List 5-10 possible effects
    • Notes down what on the list most interests you to write about
  • Free-write (5 minutes): Answer, What is something about yourself that is helped by social media? 
    • Then, go through with a highlighter and pick out key point or two.
  • Free-write (5 minutes): Answer,  What is something about yourself that social media has a negative effect on you? What is that negative effect?
    • Then, go through with a highlighter and pick out key point or two.

3.  Also come in with Discussion Examples of Social Media's Impact (simply write down in your notes):
  • What is an example event that you believe was impacted by social media?
  • Who is a "famous" or well known person who was impacted by social media?


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